Special Events

4 Seasons of Giving
Food and diaper giveaway every second and fourth Saturday of the month. Please bring your food card if you have one. If not, we can register you on site.

Community Baptist Church will be baptizing on Sunday, March 30, 2025. For those wanting to be baptized, please email the church at cbc1620@att.net. We will need the full names of baptism candidates, and your contact information. Please bring a change of clothes for after the baptism. We have towels and baptism robes- you will need clothes for underneath the robes that can get wet. Please have all information emailed to us by Friday, March 28th. Thank you.

Community Baptist Church will be baptizing on Sunday, December 29, 2024. For those wanting to be baptized, please email the church at cbc1620@att.net. We will need the full names of baptism candidates, and your contact information. Please bring a change of clothes for after the baptism. We have towels and baptism robes- you will need clothes for underneath the robes that can get wet. Please have all information emailed to us by Friday, December 27th. Thank you.

4 Seasons of Giving Food and Diaper Giveaway
Food and diaper giveaway every second and fourth Saturday of the month. Please bring your food card if you have one. If not, we can register you on site.

4 Seasons of Giving Food and Diaper Giveaway
Food and diaper giveaway every second and fourth Saturday of the month. Please bring your food card if you have one. If not, we can register you on site.

CPR/AED Certification Training
For all church leadership, staff, and members. We will be offering a CPR/AED certification training on Saturday, November 9th from 1-3pm. Cost will be $25, which includes a two-year certificate. Training will be done by Ted Williams of Rescue Ready. Sign up sheet is available at the church. Please sign up in advance. Thank you.

Women's Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study here at Community Baptist Church on Thursday nights at 5:30pm. Our first 6-week session begins on Thursday, November 7th. Study books will be provided.

4 Seasons of Giving Food Giveaway
Food and diaper giveaway every second and fourth Saturday of the month. Please bring your food card if you have one. If not, we can register you on site.

4 Seasons of Giving Food Giveaway
Food and diaper giveaway every second and fourth Saturday of the month. Please bring your food card if you have one. If not, we can register you on site.

Community Baptist Church will be baptizing on Sunday, September 29, 2024. For those wanting to be baptized, please email the church at cbc1620@att.net. We will need the full names of baptism candidates, and your contact information. Please bring a change of clothes for after the baptism. We have towels and baptism robes- you will need clothes for underneath the robes that can get wet. Please have all information emailed to us by Friday, September 27th. Thank you.

4 Seasons of Giving Food Giveaway
Food and diaper giveaway every second and fourth Saturday of the month. Please bring your food card if you have one. If not, we can register you on site.

2024 Men's Retreat
Community Baptist Church of Santa Rosa and Rev. Dr. H. Lee Turner, Pastor, would like to extend our love and encouragement to the men and young men ages 12 and up, to join us in worship, praise and great fellowship! This year’s theme is- “Disciples of Christ Making Disciples.” Scripture is Matthew 28: 19-20. Please do not miss this opportunity to build a new relationship and create new memories that will last your lifetime.
This year’s cost will be $170, complete with t-shirts and bags. This price also includes 5 meals and lodging for 2 nights. Payment should be in by September 1st. Register today to guarantee you receive a t-shirt and bag. If you have any questions that need to be addressed, please call Bro. Roy Hampton, Retreat Coordinator (707) 318-0081, or Reverend Kenny Parker (707) 657-8927.

4 Seasons of Giving Food Giveaway
Food and diaper giveaway every second and fourth Saturday of the month. Please bring your food card if you have one. If not, we can register you on site.

4 Seasons of Giving Food Giveaway
Food and diaper giveaway every second and fourth Saturday of the month. Please bring your food card if you have one. If not, we can register you on site.

Gospel Music Day
Come join us on Saturday, August 17th there will be a Gospel Music Day. This is a free event that is open to all. This will be at Old Courthouse Square from 12:00pm - 5:00pm. Bro Tony Saunders and the Community Baptist Church choir will be performing, among many others.
For more information, go to www.louisJenkins.com, www.soncerity.com, or call (707) 974-7620.

4 Seasons of Giving Food and Diaper Giveaway
Food and diaper giveaway every second and fourth Saturday of the month. Please bring your food card if you have one. If not, we can register you on site.

Community Baptist Church will be baptizing on Sunday, July 28, 2024. For those wanting to be baptized, please email the church at cbc1620@att.net. We will need the full names of baptism candidates, and your contact information. Please bring a change of clothes for after the baptism. We have towels and baptism robes- you will need clothes for underneath the robes that can get wet. Please have all information emailed to us by Friday, July 26th. Thank you.

4 Seasons of Giving Food and Diaper Giveaway
Food and diaper giveaway every second and fourth Saturday of the month. Please bring your food card if you have one. If not, we can register you on site.

Church Greeter Meeting
On Thursday, July 25th at 5:00pm, we will have our first church greeter meeting. We would like to start a greeter program at CBC. Those interested in becoming a greeter, please join us at this meeting, where we will go over the duties involved with being a greeter.

4 Seasons of Giving Food and Diaper Giveaway
Food and diaper giveaway every second and fourth Saturday of the month. Please bring your food card if you have one. If not, we can register you on site.

4 Seasons of Giving Food and Diaper Giveaway
Food and diaper giveaway every second and fourth Saturday of the month. Please bring your food card if you have one. If not, we can register you on site.

Mental Health Conference
Community Baptist Church and the CBC Collaborative invite you to attend our annual African American Mental Health Conference on Saturday, May 25, 2024 from 11am - 1:00pm. This year’s theme is “Mental Health Best Practices for Athletes.” Our guest speaker will be Bianca D. McCall, MFT. Please see flyer for registration information.

4 Seasons of Giving
Food and diaper giveaway every second and fourth Saturday of the month. Please bring your food card if you have one. If not, we can register you on site.

Service Recognition Celebration
Join us as we acknowledge, celebrate and honor the years of dedication and loyal service from Deacon Barmore Duncan, and Bro James Kennedy. Refreshments will also be served.

Easter Weekend
Join us Easter weekend 2024 beginning with Good Friday Service on Friday, March 29, 2024 at 6:00pm. Saturday, March 30, 2024 we will have our Hour of Prayer, and on Sunday, March 31, 2024 we will have two services available- 6:00am will be our Sunrise Service, and then at 11:00am will be our Easter Sunday service. All are welcome! Come out and join us for a Hallelujah great time in the Lord!!

4 Seasons of Giving Food and Diaper Pantry
Stop by the church every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month from 10:00am - 12:00pm to receive free groceries, emergency food boxes, diapers, and hygiene products. The pantry is also open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 1:00-4:00pm.

Black History Month Gospel Concert
Celebrating Black History Month: “We’ve Come This Far By Faith”- Join us for a free concert featuring Lady Bianca, Prayer Chapel Singers, Tony Saunders, and more. This event is free, however we will be accepting donations. All are welcome! Praise, worship and glorify the Lord with us in fellowship and song.

Homegoing Celebration for George Rucker
Homegoing Celebration for the Life of George Allen Rucker at Community Baptist Church, 1620 Sonoma Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA on Saturday, February 17, 2024. Service will begin at 11:00am.

4 Seasons of Giving
Stop by the church every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month from 10:00am - 12:00pm to receive free groceries, emergency food boxes, diapers, and hygiene products. The pantry is also open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 1:00-4:00pm.

Homegoing Celebration for Beathrice Wright
Homegoing Celebration for the Life of Beathrice L. Wright at Community Baptist Church- 1620 Sonoma Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA on Saturday, February 3, 2024. Service will begin at 11:00am. Repast will follow here at the church.

4 Seasons of Giving
Stop by the church every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month from 10:00am - 12:00pm to receive free groceries, emergency food boxes, diapers, and hygiene products. The pantry is also open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 1:00-4:00pm.

"A Day On, Not A Day Off"
Come join us on Monday, January 15th from 10-3 for our annual “Day On, Not A Day Off” celebrating the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.